Washington Concepts Incorporated

Engage the FEDERALConnector™

WCI CONNECTS Small, Minority, Veteran and Women-Owned Businesses (SMVWOBs) to Federal Contracting Information and Opportunities. For over Two Decades, WCI has partnered with Economic Development Corporations, Chambers and other Business Associations to offer Business Assessments, Business Development, Training and One-on-One Sessions.

WCI FederalCONNECTOR™ has provided Government Contracting Training and has the expertise and experience to provided the technical assistance necessary to grow small and diverse businesses, for over 21 years.  WCI has unique capabilities to not only assist Entrepreneurs with Starting, but we can also assist them with Developing and Excelling in Business. Federal Government Program and Contracting Officials have named WCI as their premiere choice for obtaining procurement-ready, prescreened and qualified small, minority, veteran and women-owned vendors.

WCI FederalCONNECTOR™ is presenting this experience and expertise in a strategic partnership with State, City and County Government Economic Development Agencies, Councils or Corporations, for the specific purpose of facilitating the growth and development of Small Businesses in their portfolio.  

WCI FederalCONNECTOR™ Program

  • Business Assessment
  • Business Development
  • Training (Webinar and Live)
  • Join The WCI Contracting NETWORK™
  • The WCI Strategic Affiliation NETWORK™

Let us connect you to Diverse Vendors today!